Tuesday, November 3, 2009

soon fall will be here- update

so most of us may know that i started recording way back in 2008, in august.
just in the last weeks mike and jonathan have been working hard to get my songs mixed (among other projects...) so... it's been really exciting because things are coming together, and finishing touches are being added. we had annalisa come play violin for two songs, that was a really fun night, she did really well, and the violin adds so much to those songs.
so we're hoping to have tracking and mixing done soon and i'm really excited to put the new songs up online.

school has been busy so album art is still sort of up in the air, but i will get to it. but that is another part i'm really excited about. i also have all those demo songs, (which i love) so i may make some more cassettes since i have a bunch of 20 min ones left. they could be of demos in case people haven't heard them, or want them in a real format.

also as a side note the halloween party was really fun. there are pictures on someone's camera so maybe they will end up here soon. honestly one of my favorite parts of events like that is the inevitable sing-along. we sang some of my songs, and some imaginary airship songs, and some rentals and i forget what else. but i love singing along on choruses... and it was fun to play piano duets on my songs.

so... i was just listening to the demo tracks that are up on my myspace page right now, and it's true, the new versions are so much more full...like more detailed, and of course recorded well. so it's interesting. i've really liked some of the demos, and i was realizing i've lost a few parts of songs i liked a lot that were in the demos. i think it was unintentional, but i know the new recordings are sounding great. and so it's fun to have both! and i'm so thankful for all that has happened during this year of recording because my songs have altered a little, and especially mixing casio with real instruments (ha) like accordion and violin is fun.

so... yeah! i'm really excited, and hoping it'll all get figured out somehow, sometime soon.

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